As of this picture, I had yet to fit my various sweaters and cardigans. Oi...
My bags are packed. The laundry and dishes are clean; the rubbish taken out (I forgot to do this before a two-month trip once, which resulted in a rather unwelcome homecoming surprise). Presently I will be on my way to the airport, and off to San Francisco for the next seven weeks.
Carry-on entertainment and necessities: books (About Town and Strong Opinions), notebooks, pens and cartridges, phone, wallet, haphazard embroidery, scores, passports.
I'll be part of Opera Academy of California's start-up summer program. We'll be presenting several master classes and scenes in addition to three full productions (I'll be singing Lazuli in L'Étoile). As the program is new, we will be a relatively small group of singers, so we'll be kept quite busy!
Going away also means finishing-off-the-contents-of-the-fridge meals:
Brown rice fried with lettuce, almonds and an egg for lunch yesterday...
... and eggs scrambled with cottage cheese, turmeric and pumpkin seeds on toast for breakfast today.
have fun :)